Dis wuz GR8!!!Q!!!
Yo man u got skills! Dat toonz was SIKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dis wuz GR8!!!Q!!!
Yo man u got skills! Dat toonz was SIKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
javascript:GetReviewController(698273 3).GetResponseController().Toggle();
I'll give you a seven because i almost fell for it
the 2.62/5.00 kinda notified me it was a fake tho... i watched it anyway
and wtf idk what the last guy said either O_O
You mean to say that the filesize wasn't a give away at all?
This was very true.
I saw the youtube video of this song, but that was just a slideshow thing. This has good animation, and very good lipsync. Good job.
-reviewer #1337
Well done
The graphics, humor, and sound are all great. Games were pretty good too.
It was very good.
The graphics amazed me, and the humor was also very good. The sound effects were also wonderful, this is one of the best flash movies I have ever seen. And I finally got what the pot plants were supposed to be :P
Good job
Joined on 7/25/07